Family Law Advice
We realise this can be an upsetting and complex area, but we can help you with:
- Contact and residence issues for children
- Disputes about parental responsibility for children including changes of name, disputes about schools and health care etc.
- Divorce, civil partnership, separation, and related issues such as housing and division of property and finances.
- Dealing with the affairs of another including obtaining probate, dealing with the estate of a deceased family member, and applying for Power of Attorney and to the Court of Protection
We can help explain the procedures and help you with the completion of forms. Our website has lots of information on all these subjects. We can signpost you to solicitors and other sources of legal advice but there may be a charge for any advice. Legal aid is extremely limited for family court matters unless there is evidence of domestic abuse.
- We cannot offer legal advice or attend court with you
- We cannot recommend a particular solicitor, but you can find one here
Useful Links
Contact and Residence Issues for Children
If you cannot agree arrangements for where your children live and their contact arrangements the first step is to try mediation –a mediator is an independent person who will help you reach an agreement.
Generally, you must consider mediation before you can make a court application. There are some exceptions which the mediator will discuss with you.